Saturday, November 19, 2011

When looking at Las Vegas and the Great Plains At first no one would ever suspect that their similar to each other. The only characteristics that both the Great Plains and Vegas may share is that they are relatively dry in terms of the land that they belong to, and the fact that they have made the most of the land that they were given. In our text book it explains that "Once it was a dry wasteland and now it is a land full of rich opportunities." pg 230 The Great Plains has turned the dry land in their area into an agricultural gold mine whereas Las Vegas turned their dry land into a major tourist attraction. They have alot of similarities in their climate with both areas having very hot summers and colder than normal winters. Unlike the Great Plains, Vegas does not have any severe/extreme weather. The people of Las Vegas have only one severe weather problem, during the summer temperatures can get to a scorching 120 degrees, which is nothing in comparison to the blizzards, tornadoes, and Chinook winds in the Great Plains.

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